Our students had a great time playing knock out in gym!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
Students in gym class
gym class
gym class
Our star students have been working so hard, and we are so very grateful for Ms. Adducci and all that she does for each and everyone of our staff and students!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
star students
Today is #GivingTuesday! Distinctive Schools needs your support to provide students and families with everything they need – #UnleashGenerosity with us! Your donations will provide meals during the holidays, winter items for coat drives, and bring people together during the holiday season. Donate now: bit.ly/DS22_GivingTuesday
about 2 years ago, Distinctive Schools
Giving Tuesday
Today we are feeling extra thankful for our Distinctive Schools Family – thank you for being part of our amazing community! Enjoy this time with family and friends. We can't wait to see you on Monday! Happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 years ago, Distinctive Schools
We hope everyone is having a wonderful break! Last week, our students prepared for Thanksgiving by writing thank-you notes to their friends, family and teachers!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
student writing thank you note
students writing thank you notes
Teen Challenge and Rise Above had a blast bowling!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
Today wraps up School Psychology Week! Thank you to our wonderful Distinctive School Psychologists who support our students every day. Mental Health and Wellness is at the core of everything we do and our psychologists are a major part of that mission.
about 2 years ago, Distinctive Schools
School Psychologists
West Belden wants YOU! For dads in school! If you are interested or have questions on how you can make a difference please reach out. ¡West Belden te quiere a TI! ¡Para los papás en la escuela! Si está interesado o tiene preguntas sobre cómo puede hacer la diferencia, comuníquese con nosotros.
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
Parent Flyer
Parent Flyer
With the help of our WBPTL and our amazing West Belden Community we were able to fundraise for our new snowblower!! This winter our sidewalks will be clean and safe for our families! Thank you all so much for your help!! ¡Con la ayuda de nuestro WBPTL y nuestra increíble comunidad de West Belden, pudimos recaudar fondos para nuestro nuevo soplador de nieve! ¡Este invierno nuestras aceras estarán limpias y seguras para nuestras familias! ¡Muchas gracias a todos por su ayuda!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
New snowblower
5th graders drawing events from Esperanza Rising in English class today!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
5th grade
5th grade
We had so much fun at the assembly today recognizing our incredible star students, and staff of the week!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
Staff of the week
Students of the week
students of the week
The YouthTruth Family Survey will close on Friday! Please consider completing the survey if you have not already. Your responses will guide our efforts in creating positive and joyful learning environments for all of our students.
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
4th graders are using their imaginations to write fairytales! This week they are focusing on making revisions.
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
4th grade working on fairy tales
It's safe to say the students enjoyed spirit week this last week, and celebrated each day fully!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
spirit week
spirit week
Pajama day was such a hit last week! Even our oldest rocked it with Ms. Rut!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
PJ day
Eighth Graders from all Distinctive Schools CICS campuses attended our High School fair today! Students had the chance to talk with representatives from high schools around Chicago, hear from alumni about their high school experience and participate in workshops to prepare them for the application process. Thank you to everyone who attended and made this an amazing day!
about 2 years ago, Distinctive Schools
HS Fair
HS Fair
HS Fair
HS Fiar
Have your voice heard! Our goal is to hear from 100% of our families through our YouthTruth Survey, your voice matters. Survey takes less than 20 minutes, check your text for the link!
about 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
WB students
Reminder, campus will be closed tomorrow, Monday, October 10th for fall break! We hope you are enjoying your long weekend and we can’t wait to see you Tuesday!
over 2 years ago, Distinctive Schools
Fall Break
Excited to partner with @Youth_Truth to gather family feedback. Let your voice be heard! Check your email to fill out the survey! #youthtruth #CommunityVoice
over 2 years ago, CICS West Belden
Today is Custodian Appreciation Day! Our custodians are incredible- thank you for all you do to keep our school beautiful, clean and running smoothly!
over 2 years ago, Distinctive Schools
custodians day